Scavenger Hunt Updates

* The kind people at Children of Bellevue have awarded our 2nd place winner, Stephanie Krasinski, two $150 passes to the charity event for her scavenger hunt efforts. (Rachel, the 1st place winner, gets two $450 tickets. I don't really understand the difference.) Now everyone's happy!* Bonnie Slotnick points out, in the comments, that the dog in the pictures is not hers: "He belongs to my friend Mike, and I was babysitting while Mike was away. Rollins LOVED hearing about all the food!"* Finally, Ruth Reichl commented on Twitter: "No guys participated? I'm fairly stunned. What does that mean, I wonder. Any ideas?" Well, male readers, what say you? Why did you disappoint the editor-in-chief of Gourmet Magazine?!?While I was in Austin, my camera battery overheated so I'm headed into the city today to get my camera fixed. Expect an Austin post tomorrow!

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Craig's Premiere at SXSW


Scavenger Hunt Results!