Lemon White Chocolate Cake at Starbucks
There has been a cake staring me in the eye for months at Starbucks. Since Lauren, Trinh, Andrew and I have basically moved in there---"Do you guys lived here," asked one Starbucks employee--in our studying for the bar, I decided today to attempt the cake during my 4 pm lull."I'm in a lull," I told a disinterested counterperson, "Please cut me a slice of your finest lemon white chocolate cake."She sort of stared blankly and then set to her task. Before I knew it, there was cake before me:The cake is resting on a pile of law related work and serves as an apt metaphor for the way bar examiners treat our shriveling spirits. In other words: "Let them eat cake!'Recruited for the lemon white chocolate cake project was my tablemate Trinh. At the ajoining table, Lauren demonstrated her disgust for all things lemon and white chocolate:
Being the gentleman that I am, I gave Trinh the first bite. She eyed the cake suspiciously:
She bit it off her fork and then pondered:
"Well?" I asked.She remained stoic. And then:
Trinh was satisfied.