Gourmet Survivor 2004: The Third Vote-Off

Alas and alack, the time has come again to vote off another contestant on Gourmet Survivor. My apologies, no video this time out. Instead, though, we get to see who voted who off our kitchen island. Which is way more juicy...Farewell FaeIMG_1.JPGWe'll never forget your bunny shaped carrot cake.Here's who voted you off (and who didn't) ---> the arrow points to who they voted for (Does anyone suspect secret coalitions?)Dallas ------> FaeWendy -----> Fae ("in the name of competition")Michelle ----> FaeNick --------> Fae ("AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS!")Harry -------> Dallas ("sorry")Andrea ------> Fae ("Voting people out sucks.")Fae ----------> Dallas ("While it was a fine entry in it's own right, it didn't say 'local' to me.")Tune in tomorrow night for your next challenge!

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Gourmet Survivor 2004: Harry Gets Immunity