Excitement #2: (Hold Your Breath...) It's a BOOK DEAL
Oh goodhearted reader---I've been keeping something from you for a while now. Last year in March, I was contacted by a literary agent who told me she thought I had a book in me. I said: "A book? Me? Write a book?" But she persisted and over the next few months we worked out a concept. I then spent most of my summer writing the first two chapters. And over the past few weeks we polished off the nitty gritty and sent it out to some publishers.Well there was interest from Bantam. You know Bantam, they're a big publisher! And this morning they wanted to meet me. So I gussied myself up at 7:30 am, rode the train to their offices uptown and met my agent in the lobby. She pepped me up for the meeting: "You're going to do great." Upstairs we met with the editor, the publisher and the publicity department. They asked me lots of questions and I regaled them with stories and anecdotes and nuggets of philosophy about food. I thought it went well and so did my agent."When do you think we'll hear?" I asked her."Probably in a few days," she responded.So I scurried off to class and casually made my way home. When I got home there was an e-mail from my agent. "They made an offer." I called her immediately."Did we sell my book?""We sold your book!" she answered joyously."We have a deal?""We have a deal."And so my friends, it's an honor to share with you this news. Me---little ole me who little more than a year ago imagined a terrible life for myself in a tiny law firm with a billboard and a mustache and a commercial where I say "Have you been hurt in an accident"---I've got a book deal!! Thanks for being so supportive of my site. I know it's cliche but I literally couldn't have done this without you, my loyal readers who constantly support me. This has been the best day ever.