And the WINNER of Gourmet Survivor 2004 IS...
First of all, let me say this was INCREDIBLY WILDLY close. In fact, based on six former survivor contestants who voted (Catherine didn't vote) it was an absolute tie. But since there can only be one winner, I used the audience's votes from the comments from the last post to determine the winner. Who is that winner? See the following video then click "continue" below to see how it went down...AND THE WINNER IS...Yay! We have a winner! And if you didn't watch the video, you should know--that winner is ANDREA!Now, first let me thank ALL the wonderful amazing hard-working mind-bogglingly talented survivor contestants who stuck it through these nine weeks. You are all incredible.Next, let me thank MICHELLE. Michelle, you are awesome. Clearly, you are separated from the champ by a fraction of a hair. To show how grateful I am for all your hard work and labor I am going to send you a cookbook! (More on that later...)As for how Andrea came to be the champion, here's the breakdown:Amanda K: AndreaWendy: AndreaNick: MichelleDallas: MichelleHarry: MichelleFae: AndreaSee, a tie. But in the reader comments from the previous post, the balance clearly tipped in Andrea's favor: 7 to 3.Andrea, here is what you've won...Well, I'm working on that. I'm about to e-mail several of the people who offered to give you free stuff. In addition to that, I'd like to give you stuff. Here's what I need you to do: in the comments below, please post 5 cookbooks you really want and 5 appliances you really want. Obviously, you won't get them all. But that'll give us a good idea of what to send you. Then please e-mail me your address and be patient. This could take up to 87 weeks. (Just kidding!) (Well, maybe...)And Michelle, please post a few cookbooks that you also like and e-mail me your address. You won't get them all either, but you'll get something!And to all the readers and fervent participators of Gourmet Survivor 2004, thanks for making it the triumph that it was. I had a lot of fun doing it. I'll miss all your contributions and your e-mails. And who knows? One of you may be GOURMET SURVIVOR 2005...Until then, I'm Mark Summers. Thanks for playing!